Ryan of RSD (Real Social Dynamics) vs Gareth Jones PUA Bootcamp Review

by Gareth Jones on September 8, 2010

Like before, one of my students that arranged a 1-on-1 had taken a PUA bootcamp prior to mine with a well-known Pickup company, in this case: RSD. Again, he didn’t tell me until the end of the weekend, but he promised to publish a comparison review that even I was surprised at! Here’s his PUA bootcamp review: (I’ve spaced it out for readability)

Alright, this is my honest opinion after having gone through a weekend bootcamp with Ryan from Real Social Dynamics and a weekend bootcamp with Gareth Jones from the ABCs of Attraction.

First off I’d like to say that I spent lot of money trying to get this part of my life handled and through this experience I would like to point you in a direction that would save you money and time. So what really happened? Well last year I took a bootcamp with Ryan from RSD (Real Social Dynamics) and I have to say that Ryan is dedicated to his job, however something was missing….the way that the bootcamp was set up was not at the personal level I wanted.

I remember saying something about Mystery in the lecture portion of the bootcamp to Ryan and he just totally started slamming me…it was like he took it personal, I mean the guy just did not like Mystery and he took it out on me. I think he did that because his boss Tyler didn’t get along well with Mystery. Whatever the case, I noticed that he was putting himself up all the time while slamming me and putting me down. I just accepted it because I thought this the way a bootcamp was suppose to be and it was all going to come together and work out at the end.

During the field portion of the bootcamp I was constantly told to approach, which was great however my internal state was totally messed up so whatever I did didn’t work!! I mean I was feeling down after the lectures because it was all about how awesome Ryan was and how much of a looser I was. Two days after the bootcamp I was back to my old life without any change!

I thought it was all my fault, but one year later when I decided to take a bootcamp with Gareth Jones, I realized that the instructor and the way the bootcamp was set up made a whole lot of difference! The  PUA bootcamp with Gareth was offered at a way lower price than RSD (Real Social Dynamics) so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

Right from the get go when I met Gareth I knew this bootcamp was different. He was totally cool and open with me. He listened to what I had to say(Ryan did not). I mean Gareth totally got where I was coming from and it was like he was customizing the bootcamp based on my needs. The first day during the lecture my internal state skyrocketed! The steps that were presented were easy to follow and the way it was presented was in a way that made me feel like “I am a cool guy too and I can do it!”

When I went out to the field, everything worked! My internal state was high(I didn’t drink)and I could feel a psychological change, I mean literally happening in me during the weekend! It’s been two weeks right now and I am still doing awesome! I am not trapped by my limiting beliefs any more! I just changed all around, I mean even at work and with the family, I am just ..just..HAPPY!!

This bootcamp with Gareth was worth the investment a hundred times over. I have soo much more to say but it’s 3:30am and I had a wild long night tonight so I need some sleep.

Thank you Gareth for helping me make a permanent change in my life. So in conclusion…Gareth vs. RSD? Gareth wins 100% without the shadow of a doubt!”


Review originally posted on the ABCs forums here: http://www.abcsofattraction.com/community/reviews-testimonials-f42/gareth-jones-1-on-1-vs-rsd-bootcamp-review-t5143.html


sandros pua November 3, 2010 at 12:10 am


I like Ryan’s Mastermind CD alot,
and certainly did consider working with him since he learned from Jlaix.

but that wasnt cool that he did that to you after you were still under Mystery fan boy status which pissed him off instead of explaining to you that Mystery is Atari and new style of game is Wii.

yeah Id feel the same way and dissapointed cause he seemed cool,what a fcuking asshole.

Gareth came in recently as ABC’s coach Id worked with other coaches from ABC who now retired.
Seeing gareth and how populr he has become with his iphone game.
anyways I like this review cause you can tell when someone helps you to benefit from the experience.
that counts bro.

and its really rare to tell you.
I hope Gareth doesnt get over himself too much and stays cool..so that many guys like myself could get chance to see what he is up to.hopefully get to write my own review.

Gareth Jones November 19, 2010 at 6:28 pm

I will always stay cool, man! It’s about helping people out, not about being a celebrity! Good luck and i hope we get to work together, too!


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